Unlock the Yijing Secrets: Art of Maneuvering I

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Starting 8 June 2024 | Saturday (3 lessons)

Unlock the Yijing Secrets: Art of Maneuvering I

Master the strategic, tactical, and philosophical insights of Yijing (I Ching) Hexagrams that can help you win in the game of life.

Unlock the time-tested wisdom of Yijing (I Ching) Hexagrams, an immensely influential Chinese classic, that has guided notable world leaders and organizations worldwide on sound strategies and their implementation in the military, business, politics, sports and many other areas.

What would you say if I told you that you could look at any life situation almost like a movie on VHS where you could fast forward to see what comes next or rewind to see how and why you get there?
That you’ve already seen and position yourself to make the best decisions possible, avoid pitfalls and capitalize on all opportunities that you may have otherwise missed out on?
Imagine for a moment, if you could map the events of the situation out and easily identify the obstacles and challenges that await you and figure out how to maneuver them with ease.
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Imagine If You Could Instantly Figure Out Which Path You Should Be Taking In Life Or What Is Your Next Best Step As You Maneuver On Both Business And Personal Levels

Well you no longer have to imagine these possibilities.
There is ancient science that notable world leaders and organizations from all over the world have been using for over 7000 years that gives them access to information on making sound strategies and their implementation in the military, business, politics, sports and many other areas.
This science provides an advantage that entails knowing intricate details about any life situation, how the situation may unfold and decision-making processes as well as what the future holds for them.
In addition, it also enables a person to access this same information as it pertains to others.
Can you imagine what your life would be like if you could take the guesswork out of every decision that you ever had to make and instead know without a shadow of a doubt which path is best to take?
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And can you imagine what it would be like if you could help others do the same? And maybe even do it professionally and actually make money from it?

Well what I’m about to share with you will enable you to do all of those things and more just as it has for countless others.
My name is Yeo Khoon Leong, Life Coach, Yijing Trainer & Author, and I have spent the past 8 years of my life, coaching people how to maneuver and overcome their life challenges using the power of Yijing Universal Principles.
Now before you think to yourself that Yijing Universal Principles are something that is just too complicated or boring for you or perhaps only a select few “gifted” scholars can really understand it, think again.
Yijing Universal Principles are nothing more than information about the natural laws and principles that play out in our everyday living at every levels, and I can assure you, it’s not complicated at all.
The only reason why most people falsely assume that learning Yijing Universal Principles is complex or boring is because they just haven’t been exposed to the methods by which it works and how it can relate to you in your everday living.
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So How Exactly Does This Help Me, Khoon Leong?

That’s probably the question, you’re asking yourself right now so let me briefly explain.
Well, some 20 years ago, I developed an immense interest in Yijing and decided to pursue it as an area of study.
The learning journey wasn’t easy; but in all honesty, that’s nothing when compared to what I have gained in return.
Yijing and especially Yijing Universal Principles has given me the ability to gain the clearest view of my future and learn more about myself on the deepest of levels.
As a result, it has enabled me to achieve great success and maneuver to avoid pitfalls and unwanted events in my life.
But what’s even better is that because I took my education to the point of becoming a full-time professional practitioner, I can also provide these same benefits to others. And I could even make a living doing so, if I chose to.
That’s part of why becoming a Yijing Universal Principles practitioner is so great; you not only learn everything about your life but you can also practice the craft professionally and earn money doing so if you wanted to.
The only problem is that not many gurus out there are teaching these valuable stuff. Truth to be told, the demand for such inaccessible information is so high that most Yijing Universal Principles programs, if any, cost upwards of $5,000 and can take years to complete.

Here’s What You May Not Know

While my program was helping thousands master the art of life maneuvering through simple Yijing Universal Principles, I was secretly researching and developing an even more powerful version of it.
Initially I was going to offer it exclusively to my coaching clients but I had a change of heart. More about that in a second.

For now, I’d like to show you what I’ve been working on for the past 10 years.


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There is only 1 intake every year.
Sat & Sun
Own Time, Own Pace
Details to be advised

Let’s take a closer look at what you will master through the 9 modules:

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Now ask yourself, is that something that you could even put a price on?

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Well that’s the question that I was faced with when I decided to bring this to the world…..even though in reality, I know that I could basically name my price for this resource and I guarantee that people would pay it hand over fist no matter what it was.
Why wouldn’t they?

This Is What The World has Been Waiting For

“Well then, we have to at least put it on the market for a few thousand dollars like most programs of it’s kind!”

That’s what may marketing team said.
Now while I know I could sell this program for few thousands of dollars if not more, it brings me more joy to give ordinary every day hardworking people the opportunity to also master something that was designed for the super-rich.
Which is why if you enroll today, you get coached in all the 6 modules personally by me for just …


But Wait, I Want To Really Make This A “No Brainer”

I figured since I’m already giving such a great deal on this amazing program I might as well take it just a bit further and really make it a “no-brainer” type of deal.
Here’s how I’m going to do that.
Register today and you’ll get these 2 exclusive bonuses absolutely free!
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Three Reasons Why You Should Jump On This Now

​This is the most advanced program on Yijing Maneuvering principles that I’ve ever developed and it will transform your life.
​It contains only the most relevant effective information so you don’t get overwhelmed
​Other programs will cost you tens of thousand. At this price, this is the bargain of a lifetime.

Hit the “Register” button below

and take your maneuvering powers to the next level
$ 798 One-Time Payment
  • Ticket to 3 LIVE Onlilne Lessons
  • Bonus 1: Lifetime Access to Replay Videos
  • Bonus 2: Lifelong Refreshers*
  • Receive Certificate upon completion

Hit the “Register” button below

and take your maneuvering powers to the next level
$ 266 3-Month Payment Plan
  • Ticket to 3 LIVE Onlilne Lessons
  • Bonus 1: Lifetime Access to Replay Videos
  • Bonus 2: Lifelong Refreshers*
  • Receive Certificate upon completion
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What Happens After You Register

1. Click the “Register” button above and you’ll be taken to a Secure Checkout page.
2. Complete your registration and you’ll get a registration confirmation email in about 10 – 15 minutes (sender: [email protected]).
3. More updates and reminders will be sent closer to LIVE online workshop dates.
4. In the registration confirmation email, you’ll also receive the instuctions for your instant access to the recorded videos.

Rave Reviews

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1m 40s
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Introduction
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 1
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 2
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 3
1h 41m
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 4A
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 4B
1h 23m
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 5
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 6
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 7
1h 18m
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 8
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 9
Art of Maneuvering I 2023 – Module 10
Art of Maneuvering I – What’s Next
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Duration: 9h
Lectures: 14
Video: 9h
Level: Beginner

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      Unlock the Yijing Secrets: Art of Maneuvering I
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